Thursday, October 11, 2007

she'll be comin round the corner when she commmeeesss...

omg! this is how my day is going! just posted a HUGE blog and my hand hit some button on my keyboard and it is GONE.. all of it! GONE.. i'll try to remember what i said. .. af is on her way i can tell because i have been crabby alllll day. i feel like crying for no know, a big huge good cry! and of all days there were not sappy crying movies on lifetime. at least i'm at work today and tami doesnt have to deal with my crabbiness. i have told her when i get home i wont talk much and then go to bed so i dont get cranky with her for no reason.. lol
also, i must vent about my day at work. now, i know most people dont carry cash, i use my atm card for almost everything. but i do have a bit of change laying here and there in my car. So, today i had a sale, someone bought one thing and their total was under a dollar. they put it on their credit card. grrrr... i mean, if i buy something for under a dollar i either dig out change for it or i buy more stuff so i dont have to put something so little on a credit card. after the credit card fee's we get nothing pretty much. think we will make a policy that if something is under 3 dollars they will be charged 25cents. that way we wont have to be losing money on credit card fee's. i guess it will be ok, most places have policies regarding that anyway. oh, also i had someone exchange a bracelet for another one. said they just didnt wear it and wanted different one. so i said ok, the bracelet looked fine enough. then tami told me later she knows that the bracelet was worn. for crying out loud. why would you buy and wear a bracelet for two months and then exchange it for another one?! so, THEN after i posted that huge blog i lost it and had to type it all over again.. lol.. now do you see how my day is going?! lol.. pms pms, i hate pms. nasty grumpy monster that pms. wreaks havoc on our minds and hormones. on a happy note, tammy is going to have a beta done friday and i'm so hoping she is going to get that bfp!!!! and i am sending amy and sharon lots of prayers so that they are the ones to adopt the baby :) they so deserve it !!!!

hopefully tomorrow i'll post and not be so crabby.. lol.. thanks for reading though :D


twondra said...

Man, charging for under a dollar??? And I thought it was bad when I charged at McDonald's when it's $4.

Thanks for the encouragement! You're so sweet!

I hope you're doing better today. Hang in there!!

The Milk Maid said...

Hey you- have a better day today!! And if you need me to come smack these ding-dongs around for you at the shop just say the word~

lyndsey said...

LOL!! We just having a conversation about the credit card charges at work yestarday!! I hope your weekend is better!

Jennifer said...

I am guilty for that undr a dollar thing, sorry! I just don't carry cash- ever. Anyway when did Tammy start trying? I guess I missed somewhere that she would try?

RainbowMomma said...

Lots of places have rules that in order to use a CC, your sale must be $5 or more. That sounds reasonable to me. If I need to charge, I make sure I get something else if it doesn't add up. (Unless I've received bad service, and then I buy part of it on one card and the rest on another....LOL!) (If I still buy, that is.) I think $5 is MORE than reasonable.

Miss you girls!